Lesson Details

Cover Lesson 27/09/23




Sept. 27, 2023

Additional Info
Hi All,

Sorry that I cannot be with you today. In my absence, please complete the following tasks:

  • Go onto the last slide of ‘02 Aquinas’ where you will find some information about an assessment task on Aquinas. Over the next few weeks, I will be asking you to complete this both in lessons and for homework. 
  • Please read the second box on this page. I would like you to start completing the writing for all the proofs we have done so far. As stated, you need to summarise it, provide arguments for and against each proof and write your own conclusion. 
  • When providing these arguments, please make sure that you have fully explained each one. These should be full sentences. You will need to think beyond what I have told you- think independently. Your conclusion should also be developed, justified and fully substantiated. Make sure you have convinced me!
I am aware that we have not finished all of the proofs yet. However, by the end of this lesson, you should have nearly completed the writing aspect of this task for each proof we have studied. Please remember that this is an assessment piece that will go on your reports, so it is in your interest to spend your time wisely during this cover.

Best of luck,
Miss Hiley