Assignment Details

Romans Question



Date Due

Oct. 6, 2023

Additional Info

Was the Roman rule in 1st Century Palestine more positive than negative?

Please have a go at answering this question. My advice:

  • Start with 2 explained, developed points you do not agree with. This should not just be 'they were mean', but explaining exactly why with evidence. Use the PEEL structure (Point, evidence, explanation, link back to question).
  • Perhaps you want to start these paragraphs with 'Some may argue that'.
  • Next, do 2 points you do agree with, using the PEEL structure. Perhaps you want to start this paragraph with 'However, the more convincing side is'.
  • Write a concluding sentence, which explains your overall view.
Please upload this into the page under 'Homework' in your folder, entitled 'Romans question'.