Assignment Details
Cover Work for 13/09/22
Sept. 13, 2022
Additional Info
Hi girls,
Unfortunately, I am not with you for your second lesson as I am on Bushcraft!
As I mentioned in last week's lesson, please spend the first 25 minutes of the lesson completing the Showbie Fact File on Abraham. This can be done either on paper, or on your ipad. Key things to remember:
- Answer using the following 3 headings: Background, Key events in Abraham's life, and Qualities Abraham possesses.
- You may bullet point but you need to fully develop and explain your points.
- For the Qualities of Abraham, I am looking for 4-5 fully explained points, justifying where Abraham exhibited that particular quality.
Once you have completed this, upload your work into the 'Abraham 01A fact file' folder on Showbie. Spend the rest of the lesson looking at the PowerPoint on Showbie entitled 'Abraham 02 Sacrifice of Isaac':
- Read the context summary and extract of Genesis 22:1-13.
- Write a few sentences for each of the questions on the next slide.
- Brainstorm some ideas for how Abraham and Isaac would have felt.
- Tick off the learning objectives if you feel confident that you have understood the lesson's material.
If you have completed all of these, well done!!! Feel free to start planning the diary task which I am setting you for homework.
Best of luck,
Miss Hiley